2024-25 School year Education Sponsorships!!!
Our girls are ready for a new year of school!!

The girls actually love going to school even though it means more work, getting up earlier, keeping their uniforms all ready daily, getting organized with their supplies and books daily (there are no lockers or desks in classes to leave things), and going out into the sometimes scary Haiti streets. Luckily all the girls in Kindergarten through high school are transported to school by our own driver Lochard who keeps an eye for security and keeps everyone on time for classes and picks them up right after the school day is over, so no one is left standing around on the streets. Our older girls do commute to their universities and colleges on public tap-taps or group taxis. They are brave and carefully wise to urban life, often traveling with a buddy. Also the middle school and high school girls work after school at RMOF with Mr Mompremier, our tutor in science and math work. He is proud of his and the girl's passing track record on the ultimate government tests at the end of high school!! His support through those years is one big reason why we now have 13 girls in university classes, beating the Haitian average of only 10% for students graduating from high school.
All this does cost money. Our education sponsors have supported these expenses for tuition, books, supplies, uniforms, transportation, tutoring, and lunches brought from RMOF for over 10 years now. It averages about $2200 per girl per school year. To help spread the financial burden, each girl has 3 sponsors who donate $700-1000 each school year. Many sponsors have been in this program for over 6 years or even all 10!! The girls feel that it is their sponsors who are the Angels who give them so many opportunities in life presently and for the future too. Please help by continuing to contribute for your girl and also spreading the word to others who might want to join this worthwhile program. We try to keep you informed on grades and other highlights in your girl's life.
You can contribute right here on Network for Good donation button, or send a check to Hearthstone Village, PO Box 932, Ukiah CA. Thanks for your participation.